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Thursday, December 02, 2004

The News in My Briefs

I'm not sure how regularly I'll be addressing the news in overly-masturbatory posts, but tonight is one opportunity for you, all of the non-readers of my blog, to feel me.

For starters, yesterday I'm stunned by a NY Daily News headline peeked at on the PATH declaring some person the "Ultimate Patriot." Now I'm quite sure that the News isn't awarding Chomsky or Nader their proper laurels, so I later nick a copy expecting to be appalled, but not to this level. I was particularly saddened by the following passage from UP's wife shortly after her ebullience for his beliefs:

"He was my first and only. I've loved him for as long as I can remember," she said. "He was my everything."

"My boys will have something to be proud of, something to tell their kids," she said

Now it comes to light UP's wife is pregnant. Yet, Johnny keeps marching on.

And of course I have to address one of the bigger sports items of the week. Ty Willingham was dismissed as Notre Dame's football team's head coach faster than any other person to hold the position since 1933. I don't have much to say here beyond the Irish are racist? Since when?


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